Canada was recently named the #1 travel destination by the New York Times, and rightfully so. There are tons of great things to see and do in the second largest country in the world. If you're looking for beautiful scenery, you're definitely going to enjoy Canada. Try to see as many of these 12 national treasures as possible.

12. Haida Gwaii

11. Drumheller

10. Cathedral Grove

9. Lake Louise

8. Nahanni National Park

7. The Sleeping Giant

6. Prairie Skies

5. Niagara Falls

4. Old Quebec

3. Pier 21 Museum in Halifax

2. The Rockies

1. The Northern Lights


Canada was recently named the #1 travel destination by the New York Times, and rightfully so. There are tons of great things to see and do in the second largest country in the world. If you're looking for beautiful scenery, you're definitely going to enjoy Canada.